Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Beginning

My so-called friends frequently refer to me as "idiot." Since I don't want to disappoint anyone, it seemed like riding a bicycle cross country for the second time would confirm my status. I only needed to find another person dumb enough to do this and about my same fitness level (and intellect). Bill is smarter in most things and an accomplished photographer so when I invited him to participate, he thought about it. Then in a moment of diminished capacity, or compassion for the truly weak of mind, he decided it would be a great adventure and an opportunity to expand his photographs.

Years ago Bill and I started a weightloss program known as "cross country." He and I met as freshmen in college. We both participated in running for hours with no intended destination, except to get back to where we started. This seemed like a good idea at the time and once we form habits they are hard to break. So we will be departing within the next week for our trip to San Diego. That's the final destination. The beginning is Jekyll Island, Georgia, just south of Savannah. We will travel somewhere between 80 to 100 miles per day (approximately 2700 miles). At that point, it will be time to return to our original destinations; Columbus, Ohio for him and Radford, Virginia for me. Over the years we have both gained several pounds and we can only hope that this adventure will bring us back to the "glory days." Weightloss will not be our prime objective, but let's be optimistic that it will happen.


  1. You will have a great journey.

  2. We look forward to your visit to Yuma and hope you can stay with us as you travel through. We did our first travel blog last summer and will create a new one this summer as we travel East. Have fun!

  3. The fact that people refer to you as an idiot refers to your ability to constantly do stupid things........need i say more, as for Bill, I have only met him once or twice and alcohol was involved both times so I really couldn't tell if he meets the criteria of being called an "idiot".........i have a fairly good idea but i will with hold judgement until is see his ass going west on a bike......have fun and be safe

  4. You can do it Mick!!! I'll be anxiously awaiting updates from Lee!!

  5. We look forward to following you on your journey.

  6. Go for it, Mick and Bill. Have a great ride, good weather, super experiences and lots of laughs!!! But I do think you are nuts - oh yeah, you married my sister. Hi Lee!!!

  7. Mick- all the Dickens will be following your adventures! Have fun!

  8. Mick and Bill , great challenge ! have sun and fun.
    Courage for Lee and Marsha !
    Isabelle and family

  9. That sounds like GREAT fun! But if you were a TRUE idiot, you would have gone NY-Seattle and started in March. Now THAT, my friend, would have been idiotic...

    Have fun guys!

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  12. Bill and Mick,
    WOW! All the best as you head for the West Coast. To paraphrase, "Go West, *** Men, Go West!" We will be with you in spirit all the way!
    Don, Nancy, Chris, and Matt Omahan (Bill and Marsha's neighbors in Ohio)

  13. Bill and Mick - Mick, Bill must be really dumb to be doing this! But, seriously, Bill is a great brother-in-law. My rear end and legs hurt for you both! Good luck! Edna
