Cyclist's observation: It takes more than one truck to completely flatten an armadillo!
After a leisurely Saturday with Ashton and E in Mobile it was time to get on the road again. We left at 6:30 am with fair weather and following winds. And as pre-pubescent boys refer to pre-pubescent girls, "She was flat, flat, flat." However, I'm referring to the terrain from Mobile to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. We traveled 90 miles at slightly less than 15 mph. As the day progressed, we began to encounter some head winds that slowed our progress.
As the wheels and the pedals go round and round Bill and I must have dozed off on our bikes because according to the picture we ended up in La La Land. And within a hundred yards we were in Scotland approaching St. Andrews Golf Course. It appeared that the fantasy was better than the reality and we had miles to go before we slept.
Other than that it was just another day on the road with mile after mile of beautiful beaches. The scars of hurricane Katrina are still visible, but could not undue the natural beauty. We stopped at the "Friendship Oak" in Long Beach, Mississippi which has survived for 500 years. A spectacular natural remnant surrounded by the carnage of Katrina.
Bill and I were so inspired by the tree that we decided to go off road on our touring tires. Let me explain that our skinny little tires are much different than the balloon tires made for a single speed beach cruiser. As we tried to cross about four feet of packed sand I made the final crank to the sidewalk as Bill sunk in and lightly kissed mother earth. Do you know that fine white sand sticks like glue to a salty sweaty body?
All is right on the beaches of Mississippi.
Old Land Cruisers signing off for the day.
so enjoying your blog! Glad the weather seems to be holding for you as well. Quite a weeks worth of mileage mister! We are envious even as we feel for your sore bums :)