Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 30: Ready to Roll

Cyclist's Observation: Daytime TV sucks raw eggs.

Bill and I have had another day of down time. We have done our chores and checked on the bike repairs. The staff at Outdoor Adventures (see picture, left is Pablo and right is Don) have saved our bacon. Stop by and spend money if you ever come to Las Cruces. Plans for tomorrow include an early departure to beat the worst of the afternoon winds.

Since we have had an abundance of time and little to do, our intellectual curiosity has taken us to new levels. You may wonder how we could aspire to newer heights, but as you will see, it is entirely possible. Bikers vs cyclists, a comparative study. It is important to clarify the differences between bikers and cyclists. At one point in our travels, we told a motel desk clerk that we were going to bring our bikes into the room. He said he would have to check with the manager. His assumption was that we were bikers, not cyclists, and we would be bringing in motorcycles. Although you may think the differences are readily noticeable, we feel you might miss a few of the highlights we've noticed so far. Bikers have old ladies and chicks and cyclists have spouses and girlfriends. Bikers have sound systems and cyclists can't hear. Bikers have tattoos and cyclists have road rash. Bikers have saddle bags and cyclists have saddle sores. Bikers need oil changes and cyclists need Butt But'r. Bikers have rallies and cyclists have tours. Bikers have windshields while cyclists have wind. Bikers stop at gas stations for gas while cyclists stop for Snickers and Gatorade. Bikers take side trips while cyclists see the road ahead. Bikers may speed while cyclists only hope too. Bikers wear Levis and leather and cyclists wear spandex and paper thin wicking material. The only lingering thought is why would we continue to peddle rather than ride a Harley, we have been thinking about that and haven't come up with a good reason. This is where our intellect has failed us.

We are the Old Land Cruisers looking for another reason to peddle.


  1. May the wheel gods watch over you!

  2. Mick and Bill, have a great day back on the road again. Ride safely and take it easy on Serotta; she's durable but not indestructable. Cole at East Coasters told me about your mechanical problem. He was sympathetic -- or at least as sympathetic as one cyclist can be toward another.
