Monday, May 24, 2010

Final Blog Entry

Final, final! Thanks to all of you for your support for the past few weeks. And special thanks to our spouses, Lee and Marsha, for endorsing this journey. Each of you have provided a network of inspiration and constant pressure for us to make blog entries. Now you have one more assignment, the Old Land Cruisers' blog final!

Here's your study guide:

Beginning date: April 12, 2010

Beginning location: Jekyll Island, Georgia.

Total days on the road: 41

Number of nights in a motel: 35

Longest mileage day: 137, Deming, Arizona to Wilcox

Shortest mileage day: 22 miles from Welton, Arizona to Yuma

Number of rest days: 6 1/2 (anything under 35 miles is considered a half day)

Total riding days: 34 1/2

Total miles traveled: 2,704

Average miles per riding day: 78

Most flats in one day: 10 by Mick

Countries represented by foreign cyclists we've met: Sweden and Czech Republic

Most days in a single state: 15 - Texas

Least days in a state: 1- Mississippi

Number of states we traveled through: 9

Worst roads: Louisiana

Best roads: Texas

Worst head winds: Texas

Steepest Hill: Cush Canyon Loop Road to get to Steve and Kathy White-Cohen's house

Longest Climb: 12 miles, Ocotillo, California Interstate 8 West

Ending date: May 22, 2010

Ending Location: San Diego, California

Weight Loss Program: Mixed results, but not recommended. You might prefer the "grapefruit diet" instead!

We are the Old Land Cruisers signing off for now and looking for new adventures. We're thinking surfing will be our next activity!


  1. Well done, guys. Bravo!!!! Now rest.

  2. Congratulations! You guys are awesome for doing this. Thanks for sharing your experiences here with all of us!

  3. A Super Accomplishment! Congratulations!! What a ride!!!

  4. Surfing, huh? You can always come back to Arizona and surf the DUNES! Really-it's a great sport! We'll have margaritas waiting for you when you come back to visit. Great job, guys! We are proud friends!

  5. Awesome job on the blog postings, Lee!

  6. Amazing .... just freaking amazing. Thanks for your great blogs enabling us to live vicariously through you both. We toast you!
    Bob D

  7. Way to go guys! Mick you ready to try ultra running? Safe travels home!

  8. Next time guys , if you must insist on torturing youselves , take a Greyhound .

    Bob Arihood

  9. Congratulations Mick and Bill!!!
    The oldlandcruisers really inspired us but not enough to hop on on a cycle and head for the desert and mountains. Stop by to see us in College on your next adventure or before.
    Ann and Austin
