Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 35: Looking for the Bates Motel

Total: 2252 miles!!!

Cyclist's Observation: The longer you're on the road during the day, the less you talk at dinner.

Steve and Kathy were up before 5 am to prepare breakfast for our departure at 6 am. We appreciated the extra effort to get us on our way. A short cycling aside, Kathy was up to see us off and was very charming at the start of the day! Bill and I made great time with 3 to 7 mph tailwinds for most of the morning. The average speed for the day was 16.6 for 118 miles, but that's only part of the story.

We arrived in Maricopa, Arizona about 12:30 PM. The next leg of the ride was across the 43 miles of Sonoran Desert to get to Gila Bend. After already riding 88 miles, it seemed to be a little risky for old pudgy guys to attempt. We tried to find a motel in Maricopa. Nothing. We rode backwards to the AK Chin Casino. Full. We rode back to Maricopa and decided that the only alternative was to ride to Chandler. This was another 17 miles north! We needed to go west, which means retracing this 17 miles back to Maricopa and then going west to Gila Bend. A final tally of extra miles will be slightly less than 50!

We are the tired, dazed, and confused Old Land Cruisers.


  1. Hey guys, there is nothing wrong with doing some advance planning (at least one day/night) to find a place to stay. By my calculations I figure you have wasted the equivalent of the remaining distance to San Diego riding around the "countryside" looking for places to stay......think about it.....good luck from the "planner"

  2. Google Maps tells me that you have around 300 miles to go. Amazing! Keep up the good cycling, Guys!!
