Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 31: Top Ten List

Cyclist's Observation: The four winds of the West: breezy (15-20 mph), windy (20-30 mph), gale force (30-40 mph), and blow you back to hell (sky's the limit).

Serotta is back on the road! Departure today was bright and cheery at 5:45 am in order to beat the wind. Nice plan with good execution, but the wind didn't think it was a great idea. About 20 miles into the ride, the wind hit us full force and punished us for next 48 miles. We arrived in Deming, New Mexico about noon for a total of 68 miles at 12.4 mph. The final miles were brutal as the wind increased. Bill and I finished with sore legs, numb hands, sore wrists, and plenty of other minor ailments. The woman at the motel desk ask if we wanted to go bowling, take a walk, or see a movie? I think she's crazier than we are.

This leads me to our next effort to engage our readers. Surely you've heard of David Letterman's Top Ten Reasons, but sometimes you are at a loss for that many reasons for anything! Bill and I have developed our Top Ten reasons to bike from east to west. Please note we're short two reasons and we're looking for contributions from our blog readers. Your thoughts will be evaluated for absurdity and the two best will be added to the final list. Since we're the cyclists, we'll be the final judges.

Top Ten Reasons to Cycle from East to West:

10. Get a great tan on the back of your legs.
9. Morning sun is not in your eyes.
8. It's the macho thing to do.
7. Good training for the hard stuff.
6. To be the envy of our friends.
5. Wanted to test the West Texas headwinds.
4. It's better to erase your tan lines in California.
1. Why not? Everybody thinks you're nuts anyway.

Several of you offered insight about the liabilities of traveling west, so help us fill in the blanks.

We are the wind blown Old Land Cruisers.


  1. Seeing how the time zone changes and you gain hours heading west, how about this one? "You get 3 extra hours for cycling fun!"

  2. "Go East, Young Man!", just doesn't have the same ring.

  3. Knowing most contests won't allow repeat winners for at least 30 days, I think the previous two are wonderful and insightful

  4. You could always go to Disneyland... (from Don Omahan)

  5. With excitement high from the thoughts of the adventure which lay ahead, you totally forgot about "total transit time" being affected by headwinds and/or tailwinds. (or... You’re both crazy as a pair of outhouse rats!)

  6. Okay, I hope we're not too late to put in our creative reason for traveling with the wind in our face rather than at our backs...drum roll..."it makes for a better hair day!!!"

    Love your blog,
    Irene, Beth and Bri
